French, literally meaning "head to head", First Known Use: 1696.

1) a private conversation between two people.
2) a short piece of furniture (such as a sofa) intended to seat two persons especially facing each other.

Tete is the capital city of Tete Province in Mozambique. It is located on the Zambezi River. A Swahili trade centre before the Portuguese colonial era, Tete is the largest city on the Zambezi.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Whirlwind tour of Tete (June 2010)

When I traveled to Tete to see my boyfriend in June this year we spent most of our time in neighboring Malawi, up at Chembe Eagle's Nest on the lake, which was wonderful! The two days we spent in Tete consisted very much of a whirlwind tour of the town, with me taking copious numbers of photo's, and eating LOTS of seafood. Yummy! 

I keep going back over the photo's I took looking for details I might have missed while there, pondering who or what could exist beyond the cement and mortar of each building, wondering if I will one day meet any of the subjects in the photo's, and  running through scenarios of what my new life up there will be like. Here is a small sample of the pics. They should start to give you an idea of what the hot, dusty, busy, lazy, frontier-town of Tete looks like.

From Hotel Zambezi looking North
From Hotel Zambezi looking North-East towards the river

From Hotel Zambezi looking South-East towards the river
From Hotel Zambezi looking South

Hotel Zambezi

"Polly" the Hotel's resident cockatoo who we rescued from being
traumatized & blinded by two idiot maintenance staff using an angle-
grinder to remove part of her cage while she was still inside it!!!
Yours truely in the Hotel's restuarant
Hotel Zambezi bar/ cigar lounge

More to follow...

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