French, literally meaning "head to head", First Known Use: 1696.

1) a private conversation between two people.
2) a short piece of furniture (such as a sofa) intended to seat two persons especially facing each other.

Tete is the capital city of Tete Province in Mozambique. It is located on the Zambezi River. A Swahili trade centre before the Portuguese colonial era, Tete is the largest city on the Zambezi.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The beginning of the beginning of a new adventure.

So, the decision has been made. I am moving to Tete in January. Why the long wait you ask? Well, there are a number of things that need to be organised, rehashed, boxed, moved and dusted before I leave. Notably, the following...

  1. I'm working on a large scale reality TV series as a content director until the mid-October, so can't leave town 'til then.
  2. There are no TV studios or stations in Tete, nor are there any very fascinating things to report on in the town. Hence, I've had to consider an alternative career option. Since there are many locals, Brazilian mine workers, students & business men and women in Tete who would like to learn English, it only makes sense that I learn to teach the language. In Nov/Dec I'll be studying a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) course through my old university Wits. As the course is part time and will be my bread and butter up in Tete, I obviously can't leave 'til I've finished it! Dah! :-)
  3. My boyfriend is on leave from the mid-December until just after Christmas and wants to come back to Johannesburg for that period, so it only makes sense for me to remain here until then; after which I can travel back to Tete with him.
  4. Then there are all the little arbitrary bits and pieces of paperwork that need to be filled in, faxed and filed. Yugh! Admin so boring & yet so annoyingly necessary.
  5. Also, I need to pack. This could take me a while. Which shoes? How many dresses? What's pretty? What's practical? What's not? Decisions! Decisions! And all vital ones as any woman will appreciate.

So why on earth am I starting this blog now if I'm only actually going to be in Tete in 2011? Well, I've always been one to prepare as much as possible for any event. Besides fueling my pyromania, the only thing that came of me being a Brownie (junior Girl Guide) was the phrase "be prepared" being embedded in my brain.  So, in an effort to prep for my new adventure, I am going to be collecting information, ideas, facts, dreams, and much more over the next few months that will (hopefully) assist me in my new venture/s. Sharing these with you, and hearing your thoughts on each of them, will hopefully bring them to life in a most meaningful way.  I hope you'll enjoy sharing these exciting times and being part of my new adventure.

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