French, literally meaning "head to head", First Known Use: 1696.

1) a private conversation between two people.
2) a short piece of furniture (such as a sofa) intended to seat two persons especially facing each other.

Tete is the capital city of Tete Province in Mozambique. It is located on the Zambezi River. A Swahili trade centre before the Portuguese colonial era, Tete is the largest city on the Zambezi.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bye Bye Tete Airport?

Chingodzi airport, in Mozambique may be located over a coal deposit   [ 2010-10-08 ]

Maputo, Mozambique, 8 Oct – Australian mining company Riversdale Mining plans to check if Chingodzi airport, in Mozambique’s Tete province is or is not sitting on top of billions of tons of coal, under the terms of a memorandum signed Thursday in Maputo.

The memorandum, which was signed with airport management company, Aeroportos de Moçambique, will lead to the Australian company carrying out detailed studies to assess the quantity of coal in the area, with the possibility that the airport will be transferred to another place, if the deposits prove to be of commercial value.

Last June, Riversdale Capital Moçambique officially informed the Mozambican government of the possibility of there being coal underneath the airport, and since then has been in negotiations to find the best way of exploring them.

Jennifer Gravey, the company’s legal director, said, after signing the contract, that the board of Riversdale Capital Moçambique was of the opinion that it is a very significant coal deposit, “probably the biggest in Tete province and the country,” based on preliminary studies already carried out.

According to Mozambican daily newspaper Notícias, Chingodozi airport in 2009 benefited from significant investments, including assembling VOR equipment, as well as modernisation of its control tower.

At the moment Riversdale Mining has 22 mining licenses in Tete, one of which, the Benga project, is due to start exporting coal in the third quarter of 2011. (macauhub) 

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